Stack blog
Local attitudes to developing the “grey belt”
The "grey belt" is one of the most effective pieces of policy communication we've seen - read on to find out why...
Labour’s internal politics of planning
We reveal the stat which captures the challenge facing the new Labour government as they embark on a much-needed rethink of planning rules.
CityAM: When is a Nimby not a Nimby?
Everyone involved in planning has seen this movie before. On the one hand, a motivated minority of local residents who perceive that they stand to lose from the proposed development. On the other, councillors who want to be responsive to their electorate but never hear from the majority of it.
Winning public support for development
Engaging on the ground with local communities will always be essential. What our data does is provide a reliable guide to representative opinion in a local area, so that the process is not (as it very often is currently) captured by a vocal minority with the time, inclination and (sometimes) resources to engage in the planning process.